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Good Schools Guide

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The Good Schools Guide is the UK’s number one school guide, helping parents with every aspect of choosing the best education for their children.

For over thirty years, the guide has published impartial and candid school reviews as well as in-depth articles on education-related issues. Reviews are available in print – ‘the big book’ contains all our mainstream school reviews and we also produce guides to boarding schools and schools in London – and also online through a subscription to the website.

No one can buy their way into The Good Schools Guide’s good books. Uniquely, schools are selected for the guide on merit alone. From the internationally renowned to local treasures, every single school is visited by our expert writers who interview the head, speak to pupils and parents, analyse academic performance and challenge the marketing hype. Result? The fearsomely frank and funny reviews for which we are famous. Parents in search of honest appraisals of schools find the GSG write-ups invaluable.

What can The Good Schools Guide offer you?

  • Reviews of more than 1,200 of the UK’s leading independent and state schools
  • Contact details, official information and links to inspection reports for every single registered school in the UK
  • Reviews of the UK’s leading tutor agencies
  • 100s of online articles for parents, providing expert advice on everything from explanations of the education system to choosing a school to exam preparation
  • A comprehensive index of special educational needs articles covering a wide range of learning difficulties and diagnoses
  • Online reviews of international schools and information on educating children outside the UK

And for parents who need specialist help and advice, the GSG is known worldwide for its education consultancy service.  The Guide’s education experts provide tailor-made support to individual families and work with them as they make important decisions on school choices.

The Good Schools Guide is independent, forthright, well-informed and unbiased, which gives it unique authority and has earned the trust of parents and educational organisations worldwide. 

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